Time left in build season:

~-Read this!- Announcements:~

-+-Fold for Benson Robotics!! - For no particular reason, we've started a folding@home team. Go to the site to learn more, and if you decide to install it, enter 158067 for "team number" in the control options.
-+-The new sections of the 2009 FRC Competition Manual are available here.
-+-If you were unable to attend a Kickoff, NASA has the video available online here.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

First post

As of now, I'm figuring out the possibility of having an actual site, not simply a blog. Until that is decided, we can use this in the same manner as the FTC blogs.

Now that this blog is up, I'd like to have those who plan to be a part of FRC to email me so that I can add you to both a list of members and as authors on the blog. I'm sending an email to Jeff that he can forward, as he has the list of emails of club members.

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